Significant Boats

How to qualify

Choosing WorkBoat’s 10 Significant Boats of the year is subjective, with many boats deserving of making the list. Here’s how to qualify:

  • We often choose boats with innovative designs, but it is not a requirement. Boats recognized as “Significant” can be a first of its kind, a new wrinkle on a proven design, a successful series build, a proven design that has an unusual mission or missions, operates in unusual places, or helps advance new workboat frontiers like wind energy.
  • Only boats that have been delivered qualify. Additional qualifications include an appearance in WorkBoat Magazine from December 2023 to October 2023. (It’s not when the boat was actually delivered, but when it appeared in the magazine.) The boat has to appear as a full item in our boatbuilding section (On the Ways) or be the focus of one of our Boats & Gear or other features. The story or item must have a list of specifications, and include the owner/operator, builder and designer. We also prefer to have quotes from at least one of the major participants in the project.

Here are a few other points that will improve your chances of being selected:

  • Being “considered” is not the same as being “chosen,” but you can’t be chosen if you’re not first considered. Thus, your boat must appear in the magazine from December 2023 to October 2024 (only 11 months this year because the WorkBoat Show is earlier than usual).
  • Photos — the more the merrier. There is no guarantee we will use them all. But the more photos that our art director has to choose from, the better the presentation of the boat will be in the magazine.

Our 10 Significant Boats of 2024 will be announced after Labor Day. The Boat of the Year will be selected by the readers of WorkBoat magazine and from one of the 10 Significant Boats and will be announced at the International WorkBoat Show in New Orleans on Nov. 12.


Questions? Reach out directly to WorkBoat’s senior editor, Ken Hocke, at [email protected] or call him at 985-635-9995.

The Significant Boats Awards are Presented by:


2023 Significant Boats

2022 Significant Boats

2021 Significant Boats

2020 Significant Boats

2019 Significant Boats

2018 Significant Boats

2017 Significant Boats

2016 Significant Boats

2015 Significant Boats

2014 Significant Boats

2013 Significant Boats

2012 Significant Boats