The 2018 annual maintenance navigation lock closure for the Columbia and Snake rivers begins in March, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s weekly Grain Transportion Report released today.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will close several locks on the Columbia and Snake rivers for annual maintenance. The affected locks include: Bonneville Lock & Dam (L&D), Dalles L&D, John Day L&D, and McNary L&D on the Columbia River; and Ice Harbor L&D, Lower Monumental L&D, Little Goose L&D and Lower Granite L&D on the Snake River. These locks will close on March 3. Bonneville, McNary, Ice Harbor, and Lower Monumental will reopen on March 18, while the Dalles, John Day, Little Goose, and Lower Granite will reopen on March 25. The Columbia-Snake River System supports more than 49 million tons of international trade, as well as more than 40,000 local jobs connected to trade, according to the Pacific Northwest Waterways Association.
For the week ending Feb. 3, barge grain movements on the Mississippi River system totaled 664,089 tons; 25% higher than the previous week and down 10% from the same period last year. For the week ending Feb. 3, 409 grain barges moved downriver, up 28% from last week. There were 914 grain barges unloaded in New Orleans; 17% higher than the previous week.
During the week ending Feb. 5, average diesel fuel prices increased 2 cents from the previous week at $3.09 per gallon, 53 cents higher than the same week last year.