MSIB 20-03 – Change 1 updates guidance concerning surveys that are normally conducted offshore by third party service providers contracted to maintain compliance with Coast Guard regulations for fixed and floating facilities.
Considering the ongoing impacts of the novel coronavirus, and to minimize possible spread of Covid-19 offshore, the Coast Guard District 8 Outer Continental Shelf OCMI will consider, on a case-by-case basis, extending the requirement for third party surveys associated with Coast Guard-regulated systems to Sept. 30. Extensions will be considered for inspections related to firefighting and lifesaving equipment, including but not limited to lifeboat servicing, fire extinguishers, and fixed firefighting equipment.
Operators are expected to reach out to the OCS OCMI to request an extension under this Marine Safety Information Bulletin at least seven days prior to expiration, and to continue performing maintenance that would regularly be completed by the crew onboard the facility.
This extension does not apply to any system regulated by any other government organization, and it is not applicable to units that are subject to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) or the International MODU Code. For these vessels it is recommended that you contact your flag state for direction.
Any questions regarding this bulletin should be sent via email to [email protected] or via phone to Cmdr. Mickey Dougherty at 504-671-2106.