Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding, Sturgeon Bay, Wis., has delivered an articulated tug-barge unit (ATB) to Wawa Inc. The Media, Pa.-based company has a growing fuel business in Florida and sells about 2% of the gasoline sold in the U.S. It will use the new ATB to supply its growing network of retail locations in Florida, which was expected to number 140 by the end of last year. Keystone Shipping Co. is managing the new ATB.
The 578'1"x78'x42' barge 1964 and its 8,000-hp, 129'4"x42'x23' tug, Millville, were christened at Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding late last year on the shores of Lake Michigan. The new ATB is designed to operate in an integrated manner to provide a cost-efficient and flexible solution for fuel transportation by hauling gasoline from the western Gulf of Mexico to Tampa, Fla., to support Wawa’s expanding Florida market. The tug and barge are mated by an Intercon lightering capable 50" coupler with integral load box and all necessary control components and accessories,

The 578'1"x78'x42' barge 1964 and its 8,000-hp, 129'4"x42'x23' tug, Millville, were christened in late 2017. Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding photo
Designed by Guarino & Cox, the ATB has tankage capabilities of 153,000 gals. of fuel oil; 17,000 gals. potable water; 2,000 gals. main engine lube oil; 1,500 gals. generator engine lube oil; 1,500 gals. gear oil; and 1,000 gals. hydraulic oil.
The 1964 features an inert gas system (with I.G. generator), tank wash system, four segregation cargo system with Byron Jackson cargo pumps driven by John Deere engines, two self-contained hydraulic cranes, and an Optimarin ballast water treatment system.
"Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding’s distinguished history of building ATBs, the significant investment Fincantieri has made in its facilities over the past decade, and the quality of the entire staff at the yard were meaningful factors in our decision to work with Fincantieri on this project," Wawa senior vice president Brian Schaller said in a statement announcing the delivery. “While there are multiple shipbuilding facilities along the East and Gulf coasts, our partners in the Great Lakes have the reputation and expertise to skillfully craft the vessel we dreamed of.”
The tug’s main propulsion comes from twin GE 12V250MDC, turbocharged, Tier 4 diesel engines, producing 4,218 hp at 900 rpm each. The mains connect to 130" heavy-duty, 4-bladed nibral Nautican propellers in stainless steel nozzles through Reinties WAF 4555 marine gears. The ATB has a fully loaded speed of 11.5 knots.
“We are delighted to have had the opportunity to build Wawa’s first owned vessel and support their growing business,” said Todd Thayse, the shipyard’s vice president and general manager.
Ship’s service power is provided by three John Deere 6068AFM85-powered gensets, sparking 150 kW of electrical power each. The generators are skid mounted on vibration isolators.
Among the classifications and certifications the ATB carries are ABS certified Maltese Cross A1 towing vessel, Maltese Cross AMS, ABCU, UWILD, CPS, Anti-Fouling Systems; SOLAS; Panama Canal Tonnage Certificate; International Loadline Certificate and USCG certified, Subchapter C.