We've detailed how BAE Systems is Propelling Towards a Zero Emission Future and those efforts took center stage at the Workboat Show, where products their committment to providing clean, quiet, alternative propulsion systems and comprehensive systems integratio were on display. However, there was much more to talk about as BAE Systems celebrated their 25th anniversary for their Power and Propulsions solutions at IWBS 2021.

We talked with Joe Hudspeth and Peter Brooks from BAE Systems about this milestone, about the products they had on display at the booth, about what it means to connect with their team to discuss enabiling a zero emission future and much more.

Jeremiah Karpowicz is the former Editorial Director for WorkBoat and is currently an Editor-at-large for the site and magazine. He has created articles, videos, newsletters, ebooks and plenty more for various communities as a contributor and editor. Get in touch with him on LinkedIn.