Manson Construction Co., Seattle, has been awarded a contract to perform maintenance dredging at multiple locations on the U.S. West Coast.
The $26.3 million firm-fixed-price contract was awarded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Portland District. Manson was the sole bidder for the project.
Manson will deploy its 4,855-cubic-yard-capacity hopper dredge Bayport in Humboldt Bay, Calif. and Coos Bay, Ore., as well as sections of the mouth and lower portion of the Columbia River in Oregon and Washington that require annual maintenance dredging to support commercial navigation due to severe shoaling.
Work is expected to start in May and be completed by mid-December.
The 303′x54′ Bayport is a split-hull trailing suction hopper dredge built by Gunderson Marine, Portland, Ore., in 1996.