The U.S. Department of Transportation's Maritime Administration (Marad) has awarded $19.6 million to 24 shipyards in 19 states through the Small Shipyard Grant Program.

The funds will help awardees modernize, increase productivity, and expand local employment opportunities while competing in the global marketplace.

Additional information can be found here or by contacting David M. Heller, Associate Administrator for Business and Finance Development, Maritime Administration, Room W21-318, 1200 New Jersey Ave, S.E., Washington, D.C. 20590.  Phone 202-366-5737 or by email at

The following list of awardees for 2022 are shown with the value of the award and a description of each awarded project.

  • Blakely Boatworks Inc., Mobile, Ala., $722,460 to support the purchase of major components of metal working equipment consisting of welding machines and a variety of material handling equipment.
  • Catalyst Marine Engineering, Seward, Alaska, $418,903 to support the purchase of two welding units and one propulsion unit.
  • Bay Marine Boatworks Inc., Richmond, Calif., $875,968 to support the purchase of a 100-ton marine tracelift and a 60-ton self-propelled hydraulic vessel transporter.
  • International Ship Repair & Marine Service Inc., Tampa, Fla., $880,758 to support the purchase of a plasma cutting table, a 36,000-lb. forklift, welding equipment and a 20-ton overhead crane.
  • Patti Marine Enterprises Inc., Pensacola, Fla. $1.2 million to construct a new 800-ton drydock.
  • Turn Services Inc, New Orleans, $988,742 to add a 60-ton pedestal crane to the shipyard facility.
  • Gladding Hearn, The Duclos Corp., Somerset, Mass., $949,899 to support the purchase of a set of hanging shop doors, a 35-ton self-propelled boat transporter, and a one-ton overhead crane.
  • Chesapeake Shipbuilding Inc., Salisbury, Md., $1.1 million to support the purchase of a plasma table, 30-ton mobile travelift crane, CNC 250-ton, and a 14' CNC press brake.
  • Moran Iron Works, Onaway, Mich., $500,000 to support the purchase of a CNC fabricating system and drill line.
  • ST Engineering Halter Marine and Offshore Inc., $1.15 million to support the purchase of an electric “green” blast and paint booth project.
  • Arcosa Marine Products Inc., Caruthersville, Mo., $869,951 for panel line improvements and welding equipment.
  • Dorchester Shipyard Inc., Dorchester, N.J., 796,143 to facilitate upgrades to its marine railway which is used to haul and launch vessels.
  • May Ship Repair Contracting Corp., Staten Island, N.Y., $436,800 to support the purchase of a computer numerical control cutting table, three rotating jig positions, and a blasting booth.
  • Robert E. Derecktor Inc., Mamaroneck, N.Y., $294,483 to support the purchase of a new CNC flatbed lathe.
  • McGinnis Inc., South Point, Ohio, $770, 250 to support the purchase of a 110-ton crane.
  • The Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, $781,627 to support the purchase of tooling and equipment to improve the shipyard operations.
  • Blackfish Solutions LLC/ReconCraft, Estacada, Ore., to support the purchase and installation of new 25-ton cranes and rigging and acquisition of additional welding equipment.
  • Shaver Transportation Co., Portland, Ore., $649,638 for a new shipyard electrification project, 18-ton pedestal mounted electric crane and installation of a solar energy system.
  • Blount Boats Inc., Warren, R.I., $937,933 to purchase a telehandler, two 3-ton overhead cranes, a single forklift and four scissor lifts to significantly improve material handling.
  • Detyens Shipyards Inc., North Charleston, S.C., $566,617 to support the purchase of new electric fire pumps.
  • Fairlead Boatworks Inc., Newport News, Va., $900,000 to support the purchase of a new 160-ton rough terrain crane.
  • Ice Floe LLC/Nichols Brothers Boat Builders, Freeland, Wash., $1.23 million to support the purchase and installation of a one-sided welder.
  • SAFE Boats International LLC, Bremerton, Wash., $716,983 to support the modernization of its facility by acquiring an 80-ton self-propelled vessel transporter, new aluminum welding equipment and mobile lifting equipment including a large forklift, scissor lift, and extended reach forklift.
  • Fincantieri Marine Group LLC — Bay Shipbuilding, Sturneon Bay, Wis., to support the modernization of its graving dock pump.
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